We are excited to announce that Rose has passed her Guild Certified Framer (GCF) exams.
After leaving a 10-year career in teaching Fine Art, it has taken a couple of years for Rose to complete her exam. When she arrived at Tobi Pictures and Framing, she was completing her MA in Puppetry and Animation – this was to add to the MA she already had in Fine Art.
The Guild Certified Framer programme is internationally recognised as the qualification for the framing industry. Qualified GCF’s are now framing in 25 countries worldwide. The qualification includes Continuing Professional Development to ensure framers stay up to date with best practise and standards.
The exam was done in three parts;
- Practical exam
- Multi choice exam.
The exam took 3 hours to complete.
Prepared pieces made to the exam requirements.
The GCF exam is a test of basic framing skills, but the work which is examined must be of faultless quality and attractively presented. The Guild Certified Framer qualification, including CPD, is available internationally.
All candidates are examined on the following:
- cutting single, double, multi-window mounts
- cutting undermounts and backboards
- stretching an artwork on canvas onto stretcher bars
- distinguishing between various types of artworks and knowing when conservation framing is appropriate
- hinging and framing to conservation standards
- decorating mounts using a ruling pen and- Vgroove
- stretching fabric art over a support board.
Figure 1 Rose sporting certificate* 2 x test pieces
Figure 2 Embroidery test piece
Learn more about our credentials here.